25 October 2020

Better Than Us (humans)

Watching Better Than Us, or Better Than Humans, that is, Лучше, чем люди in Russian. Nowadays it seems to me that it’s rather easy to be better than humans: it is enough not to be humans. Hence, even a robot can be better, even if it’s the dumb, basic one.

As all TV shows, this one too needs to inject splinters of stupidity and inexplicable blindness into the characters in order to build suspense, sort of, and to avoid that plots and counter-plots get uncovered too soon, making the show shorter by reducing the amount of maybe-possible scenes.

Like the following spoiler — possible spoiler alert for those who are enjoying the show from the beginning: maybe it’s better you don’t read this.

Spoiler alert!

The sudden realization of such a fact would have shortened the story making it impossible to build scenes which comes later. Hence, as usual, characters need to be stupid and blind sometimes, more than one would expect, in order to keep the story going.

To me, this kind of easy shortcuts are just annoying, but they are also way too common in all this kind of shows. Sometimes we can think better than the characters because we are outside the story, and we know things they don’t know.

But in cases like this, it’s different: the character knows very well what happened to him, and why (warfarin). A real character would think about who could do it the very moment he knows why he was in the hospital. And he would become suspicious.

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